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Blog Dashboard
Blog Dashboard

Manage your Hashnode blog

21 articles
GeneralManage your Publication Name, About Me, Social Media Profile, Hashnode Profile, and your blog Impressum
AppearanceManage your blog's Header Color, Publication Logo, Publication Thumbnail & Favicon, Homepage layout, and Default dark mode.
NavbarCustomize the navigation bar of your blog to fit your needs.
ArticlesManage your blog's Published, Scheduled, and Deleted articles.
DraftsView and manage the draft articles on your blog.
SubmissionsManage draft submissions from team's blog members.
SeriesOrganize your blog's articles into series and manage your blog's Series.
PagesCreate custom static pages for your blog.
SponsorsEnable and manage Hashnode Sponsor 1:1 micropayment monetization service on your blog.
AnalyticsInsights into your blog's page views, post comments and reaction.
WidgetsCreate and manage widgets on your blog.
NewslettersBuild and manage your subscriber base with our inbuilt newsletter system
IntegrationsAdd and manage third-party integrations on your blogs
SEOManage and customize your blog's meta tags and SEO settings.
DomainManage and customize your blog's domain.
GitHub BackupBack up your published posts as markdown files to a public or private repository on GitHub.
ImportImport posts from other blogging platforms like Medium and, Bulk Markdown and RSS imports into your Hashnode blog.
ExportDownload your Hashnode articles as a .json file.
MembersAdd, invite, and manage your team blog members.
AlertsManage notification for new draft submission on your team's blog
AdvancedManage your blog's Audio Feature, Text Selection Sharer Widget, Custom Page Rules, and Convert your blog to a team's blog.