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How to publish articles from GitHub
Updated over a year ago

After connecting Hashnode app to your repository, follow these instructions to set up publishing articles from GitHub.

  • We support markdown files only.

  • Start by creating a markdown file.

  • Populate it with the below frontmatter.

  • Frontmatter: Make sure each article has these details at the top of the file.

  • The markdown files must be in the root directory of the repository and not in a folder

Frontmatter Breakdown

Post Title

  • String | *REQUIRED*

  • Ex: Top 4 React UI Libraries for 2023

title: Example title here

Post Slug

  • String | *REQUIRED*

  • Ex: top-4-react-ui-libraries-for-2023

  • This is the URL of the post. It should be unique and should not be used by any other post.

  • If you use the same slug of an existing post, the existing post will be updated.

  • In order to let users update the post SLUG, we depend on the post slug as well as it's path in the repo.

  • If you change both path and slug of the post, the post will be treated as a new post and will be published with a new slug.

  • If you change only the slug of the post, the post will be updated with the new slug.

  • If you change only the path of the post, the post will be will be updated with new path and any other changes along with it if any.

slug: example-slug


  • String (comma-separated tag slugs) | *REQUIRED*

  • Ex: reactjs, css, python, nodejs

  • You can add up to 5 tag slugs

  • You can find tags information from here

  • You can also update a post to edit this later.

tags: reactjs, css, python, nodejs

Publication Domain

  • This can be an subdomain or your custom domain)

  • String | *REQUIRED*

  • Ex:

  • This can also be a subdomain as well.

  • The publication domain name that you want to publish the post to.

  • This should be a valid domain name only.

  • You should be an ADMIN of the publication to publish.


Subtitle of the post

  • String | Optional

  • Ex: A curated list of the best React UI libraries for 2023


Cover Image URL of the post

  • String | Optional

  • Note: You must upload the image to Hashnode's CDN, before you can use it here.

  • Ex: An image url

  • To upload, Login to Hashnode and go to Hashnode Uploader

  • Use the URL that is generated after the upload.


Ignore post

  • Should the post be ignored? When true it will not be picked up by Hashnode.

  • Boolean | Optional

  • Default value: false

  • Ex: true

  • It's useful when you want to keep the post in your repo but don't want it to be picked up by Hashnode.


Publish as

  • Publish on behalf of a team publication member


  • Ex: sandeep

  • Does not have any effect in drafts. It will be ignored in drafts. But once you convert the draft to post, it will be respected

  • This resembles the Change of author from article settings of a team publication in Hashnode editor.

  • Fails if the user is not a member of the team publication or if the publication is not a team publication


Canonical URL


Hide from Hashnode Community

  • Hide from Hashnode Community

  • Boolean | Optional

  • Default value: false // by default the post will be visible in the Hashnode's public feed.

  • Ex: true

  • This is equivalent to "HIDE ARTICLE FROM HASHNODE FEED" option

  • present in draft settings of a post in Hashnode editor.

  • This is useful when you want to publish a post to your publication only but hide it from the Hashnode's public feed.

  • You can also update a post to enable/disable this later.


SEO Title

  • String | Optional

  • Ex: Top 4 React UI Libraries for 2023

  • This is equivalent to SEO TITLE option present in draft settings of a post in Hashnode editor.

  • You can also update a post to update this later.


SEO Description

  • String | Optional

  • Ex: A curated list of the best React UI libraries for 2023

  • This is equivalent to SEO DESCRIPTION option present in draft settings of a post in Hashnode editor.

  • You can also update a post to update this later.


Disable comments for a post

  • Boolean | Optional

  • Default value: false // by default the comments will be enabled for the post.

  • Ex: true

  • This is equivalent to "DISABLE COMMENTS" option present in draft settings of a post in Hashnode editor.

  • You can also update a post to enable/disable this later.


Series Slug

  • Slug of the series that you want your post to be a part of

  • String | Optional

  • Ex: react-series

  • This is equivalent to "ADD ARTICLE TO A SERIES" option present in draft settings of a post in Hashnode editor.

  • If invalid series is given, the post will not be added to any series.

  • You can update the post again to correct it later.

  • You can find series information from the series section in your publication dashboard.

  • You can also edit the series information from there.


Table of contents

  • Boolean | Optional

  • Default value: false // by default the table of contents will not be added to the post.

  • Ex: true

  • This is equivalent to "GENERATE TABLE OF CONTENTS" option

  • present in draft settings of a post in Hashnode editor.

  • If true, the table of contents will be added to the post.

  • You can also update a post to enable/disable this later.


Save post as draft

  • Boolean | Optional

  • Default value: false // by default the post will be published.

  • Ex: true

  • If true, the post will be saved as a draft.

  • You can also update a draft with all the above attributes.

  • This draft will be available under Drafts section of the left sidebar in your publication dashboard.

  • Note: Once you remove this attribute, the post will be published and removed from drafts automatically.

  • This follows the same rules as a post create and update flow as well as the slug rules mentioned since beginning of this manual.


Newsletter and Post scheduling is NOT supported as of now.

When you commit the changes to the Hashnode repository, the article will be published on your blog domain and visible on your GitHub Integration dashboard.

Good to know:

  • Do note that maximum of 10 file changes are respected in one particular commit.

  • You can also start by cloning our template repository

  • For more details and logs you can go to GitHub Integration "View logs".

  • Your valuable feedback is very much appreciated. Feel free to drop your feedback at

  • If you want to delete a post, you can do so from your publication's dashboard (Articles section).

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