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Beta Features Dashboard

Access our Beta Features Dashboard and preview new features before they are released to the public.

Updated over a year ago

As a Hashnode Pro subscriber, you can access our Beta Features Dashboard and preview new features before they are released to the public. You will be among the first to try out new features, provide feedback, and help shape the future of Hashnode.

Here's how to access the Beta Features Dashboard:

Step 1: Go to your Hashnode account settings.

Step 2: Click on the "BETA FEATURES" option in the left-side panel.

Then you'll be able to see all the available beta features.

Enabling a Beta Feature:

The Beta Features Dashboard is divided into two groups: user level features and blog level features.

User level features are related to the user account, while blog level features are related to the publication itself.

To enable a beta feature:

Scroll through the available features and turn on the beta features you want to use.

Note that for the blog level beta features, only publications with a Pro plan will be able to use these features.

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